Second Liberian Temple Trip

The March 2005 update of this website documented the first ever excursion to the new Accra Ghana Temple by saints from Monrovia, Liberia Stake. In September there was a second temple trip by members from Liberia. Some things were the same, but many things were different for this trip.

Some Things Were the Same

It still took over four days on crowded buses to reach Accra.

It still took over four days on more crowded buses to return.

Some Things Were Different

There were experienced returnees on this trip
who knew about the laundry room and kitchen.

They also knew better how to prepare for the Temple
and how to get names ready for Temple work.

Many more children came on this trip
to be sealed with their families.

The halls in the ancillary building were more noisy
and the swing set never stopped.

Some Things Continued to be Strong

The faith and testimonies of these Latter-day Saints

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